Home & Auto Insurance
As a credit union member, you have access to the TruStageTM Auto & Home Insurance Program. That means an opportunity to save money on a policy issued by Liberty Mutual—a leading home & auto insurer—and available only to members like you. Your home and car are a big investment, so make sure it’s protected—at a good price.
Credit Life Insurance
Credit life insurance provides coverage up to $50,000 in case of a member’s death. Credit life insurance is available for your Auto, Personal, and home equity loan. By selecting joint credit life insurance, you and your co-applicant can both have this protection. Members must be under the age of 70 for this insurance coverage.
Accidental Death & Dismemberment
Contact Superior CU For More About Loan Protection
Credit disability insurance provides for the continued payment of the insured member’s loan in the event of his or her total disability that results from a covered accident or sickness. Both the borrower and co-borrower are eligible for credit disability coverage. The maximum monthly total disability benefit is $750.
A member must be under age 66 to be eligible for credit disability insurance. The maximum age termination is 99.
GAP Insurance covers your vehicle up to 125% of the NADA* value in case of an accident. If you car is totaled, GAP insurance will cover the difference between your car insurance’s payout and the balance on your loan. Plus, if you finance a new loan with Superior, you will receive a $1,000 credit to the principle of the new loan.
*NADA taken as of the date of being totaled.
For more information or other products contact
Cuna Mutual at 1800-798-0770 (option 0)
Contact Superior at 610.489.7239.