Make the most of your money with a share certificate. Superior CU offers share certificates that range from 6 months up to 5 years. All CD’s have a minimum deposit of $500, except for the Youth CD, which has a minimum deposit of $100.00 and only available in 60 month terms.
CD Term Lengths
Youth CD
A Youth iCD is a special CD that helps youth save for the future. $25.00 is the required minimum to open a CD. The rates are the same rates as the Share Certificates on our rate sheet. One big benefit of the Youth CD is the ability to make deposits in increments of $100.00 into the CD at any time. Currently only 60 month terms are available.
CD Quick Facts
• Minimum $500.00 initial deposit
• 90 day penalty for early withdrawal (0-36 month CD)
• 180 day penalty for early withdrawal (37-60 month CD)
• Dividends are paid quarterly and are calculated on an average daily balance. A member must maintain a $500.00 minimum average day to day balance in order to receive dividends.